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Giuseppe Sinagoga

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Inscrit le: 14 Juin 2008
Messages: 1

MessagePosté le: Sam Juin 21, 2008 6:50 am    Sujet du message: Giuseppe Sinagoga Répondre en citant

I am trying to find out about my grandfather Giuseppe Sinagoga.
We know that he came from Picinisco.
He went to Scotland in the early 1900's and met my grandmother Fileceta Sabitini who came from Civita D'Antino. I think my grandmother had an uncle and sister already living in Scotland who helped them set up in business.
They lived in Hamilton where my father was born and then moved to Glasgow where they had fish and chip shops and ice cream cafes.
Not a lot to go on as I am not sure of his date of birth but be grateful for all help in finding some history of my family
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Michel VACCA

Inscrit le: 08 Sep 2004
Messages: 206
Localisation: Brussels, Belgium/Picinisco, Italy

MessagePosté le: Sam Juin 21, 2008 6:04 pm    Sujet du message: Giuseppe Sinagoga Répondre en citant

Good evening,

I will be able to help you but I should have more information on your great father Giuseppe. There was much Giuseppe SINAGOGA born in Picinisco in the 19th century. If you can have the death certificate of your great father, its birth date will be indicated there. I currently know SINAGOGA with Picinisco which said to me that they had of the family in Scotland.

I await your news, I will have a pleasure of establishing the genealogy of your great father.

Michel VACCA
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