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Inscrit le: 01 Juin 2008
Messages: 4
Localisation: liverpool

MessagePosté le: Dim Juin 01, 2008 4:54 pm    Sujet du message: introduction Répondre en citant

Hi everyone
My name is DEBRA D'ANNUNZIO i live in Liverpool and i am currently writing a book dedicated to the Italian families of Liverpool.
My family came from Atina and travelled to Liverpool during the mass migration during 1870's. If your family did the same please contact me as it is of great significance to my research and would be greatly appreciated
best regards Debz
your only supposed to blow the bloody doors off
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Inscrit le: 25 Fév 2008
Messages: 10
Localisation: Manchester

MessagePosté le: Lun Juin 02, 2008 2:42 pm    Sujet du message: Re: introduction Répondre en citant

puche a écrit:
Hi everyone
My name is DEBRA D'ANNUNZIO i live in Liverpool and i am currently writing a book dedicated to the Italian families of Liverpool.
My family came from Atina and travelled to Liverpool during the mass migration during 1870's. If your family did the same please contact me as it is of great significance to my research and would be greatly appreciated
best regards Debz

Hi Debz,


You might want to take a look at all the pages on this website above as it covers many Italian families in Liverpool. My Colletta family are near the bottom of this page. Luigi Colletta was my grandmother Eugenia's brother, I beleive his family was originally from Villa Latina. My grandmother Eugenia had children with Bernard Crolla, the Bernard Crolla stood at the back on the wedding photo was their first son. My grandmother Eugenia came to live in Manchester but son Bernard lived the rest of his life with his family in Liverpool. As did Luigi Colletta's family. I still have not found the origin in Italy for my Crolla's but both families had lived in Liverpool.Bernards descendants are still there.

Hope this helps ..kindest regards ..Santina Crolla
gg-grandparents Beniamino Crolla & Gracinta(aka Cindis) b-1833 Italy
g-grandparents-Antonio Crolla b-1857 Italy & Donata Marino b-1865 Italy.
grandparents-Bernard Crolla b-1886 M/cr UK & Eugenia Panetta(nee Colletta) b-1892 origins in Villa Latina Italy
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Inscrit le: 01 Juin 2008
Messages: 4
Localisation: liverpool

MessagePosté le: Lun Juin 02, 2008 3:42 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

hi tina
i am actually working with ron fromby at the scottie press and have seen the posts on the colletta family etc, if anyone still in liverpool have any stories and would like them to be in the book please have them contact me at either dmdanunz@hotmail.co.uk
thanks debz
your only supposed to blow the bloody doors off
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