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Giuseppe Palombo

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Inscrit le: 31 Déc 2005
Messages: 136
Localisation: Scotland

MessagePosté le: Jeu Mai 21, 2009 11:15 pm    Sujet du message: Giuseppe Palombo Répondre en citant

I was wondering if you could help me Michel. I am trying to find out if my ancestor Giuseppe Palombo is from Picinisco or not.

Giuseppe was born on 09 Mar 1833 – but I don’t know if this was in Picinisco or not. He married Serafina Carmina Gizzi of Picinisco on 27 Sep 1863. He died in Glasgow Royal Infirmary on 30 Mar 1895. (Usual residence 55 Bell Street.) On his death certificate his parents names are given as Marco Antonio Palombo and Maria Teresa Canini. Before he arrived in Scotland, Giuseppe had lived in France and Wales.

The Palombos were an ‘interesting’ family. They left Italy very early in the wave of migration. I don’t know why, but I think perhaps they fought on the losing side. They seemed to get into a lot of trouble with the law. Giuseppe got into trouble in France. His son Loreto (born in Picinisco 14 Jul 1865) was sentenced to death in Glasgow in 1891 for the murder of Andrea Luciano and the injuring of his distant cousin Michael Gizzi at a wedding. The sentence of death was commuted to life imprisonment. He escaped ten years later and I believe he went to Belgium. I can find no trace of him after that. I wonder if there are still any remnants of gossip or memories in Picinisco about this case.

Thanks as ever

Marcantonio, Capocci, Palombo, Gizzi, Canini, Cascarini, Campone
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Stuart Capaldi

Inscrit le: 08 Jan 2006
Messages: 76
Localisation: Edinburgh, Scotland

MessagePosté le: Ven Mai 22, 2009 8:33 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


In the court case both Palombo and Marcantonio are both noted as coming from Picinisco.

However there was a need for an interpreter as many of the people involved did not speak good english and also were illiterate.

One witness Carmine Boni claimmed that Palombo was not from same area. this could mean another village but still in the Picinisco commune.

If you wish I can send you the notes on the case. I viewed the the court papers in the national Archives in 2008

Stuart Capaldi
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Inscrit le: 31 Déc 2005
Messages: 136
Localisation: Scotland

MessagePosté le: Ven Mai 22, 2009 10:50 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Hi Stuart

Thanks for the offer. I actually have quite a lot of the notes on this case, but I would be fascinated to see what you have. I keep meaning to write about the story here and see if anyone remembers any stories from family members. There is very, very little information in my family as the existance of Loreto was entirely hidden. Embarassed My grandmother was convinced that her grandmother was an only child as that is what she had been told. My great grandmother never, ever spoke about Loreto although he had lived with them when she was a child. I discovered him purely by accident on a census and did a little digging. He was quite a skeleton to find in the closet! Even now my grandmother refuses to believe that Loreto was real. It was upsetting her and she is in her 90s, so I told her I was mistaken - but I kept investigating Very Happy

I have the records from the time Loreto spent in the condemned cell which are fascinating reading and give a real insight into his character. I also have a transcript of the trial and some of the witness statements. One of thess days I will get the rest of the information from the archive. Some of it was able to be photocopied. I couldn't afford to buy the rest of it a few years ago as I would have had to pay for it to be microfilmed. I was also right in the middle of investigating it when my son developed type 1 diabetes - so everything was forgotten about for a while!

I have some newspaper records from the time too. I have most of the stuff from the Herald and some from the Scotsman. It even made the Times in London! Ah - such infamy Laughing

When you were looking at the records did you notice if there was a photograph?

I'll pm you with my email address. Thanks for your help!

Marisa xx
Marcantonio, Capocci, Palombo, Gizzi, Canini, Cascarini, Campone
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Stuart Capaldi

Inscrit le: 08 Jan 2006
Messages: 76
Localisation: Edinburgh, Scotland

MessagePosté le: Ven Mai 22, 2009 11:07 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


I did not see any photographs in the court documents. I found the case because I was searching for any information about my Gizzi connection.

It was fascinating going into the Archives Office in Charlottte Square Edinburgh and being presented with the original court documents, all neatly tied in a bundle.

I also assumed that I had possibly been the only person to view these articles in some 100 years.

I also found later that his sentence had been commuted. His grirl friend had promised to stand by him, her name Fanny Hammil who was the "best maid" at the wedding when the incident occcurred. but did not know that he had later escaped.

Will send you my notes not sure if they will add to any existing info but does show that in 1890 there was already an established Italian business community from Picinisco

Stuart Capaldi
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Inscrit le: 31 Déc 2005
Messages: 136
Localisation: Scotland

MessagePosté le: Ven Mai 22, 2009 11:30 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Ah yes - Fanny Hammil. She was apparently flirting with someone else which made Loreto see red. It is a salutory lesson in what happens when you mix young people, alcohol, love and jealousy! She went to Edinburgh during the trial and flung herself on the mercy of the Secretary of State!

Once his sentence had been commuted Loreto was sent to Perth Prison where he was apparently a model prisoner. He was allowed out on licence in 1901 on condition that he lived with his brother-in-law (my great great grandfather) and reported in to a local police station every so often. They noticed he was missing in August 1901 and rumour was that he had sailed for Italy - but I don't think so. Firstly at least one of his victims was from Picinisco, so I doubt he would have been welcome back there. Secondly there are enough snippets of family stories that I heard as a very small child to make me think he ended up in Belgium. He certainly spoke French because he had lived in France for a while. (In fact he spent a month in prison in France for not revealing the whereabouts of his father!) Nice family!

Apparently there are letters he sent to his grandmother in Picinisco in the achive. Oh yes - I can feel some more letter writing coming on...

Marisa xx
Marcantonio, Capocci, Palombo, Gizzi, Canini, Cascarini, Campone
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Michel VACCA

Inscrit le: 08 Sep 2004
Messages: 206
Localisation: Brussels, Belgium/Picinisco, Italy

MessagePosté le: Ven Mai 22, 2009 9:06 pm    Sujet du message: PALOMBO Répondre en citant


I'll check tomorrow. But I believe that PALOMBO is not Picinisco, I believe is Villa Latina or Atina.
There is actually currently still in the region in Belgium PALOMBO.

As I said to PETER BARNES, I leave Picinisco Sunday, I can provide information that Tuesday or Wednesday.

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Inscrit le: 31 Déc 2005
Messages: 136
Localisation: Scotland

MessagePosté le: Ven Mai 22, 2009 9:17 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Thank you very much, Michel. I really appreciate you looking for me. It is amazing how many ancestors come from all of the villages in such a small area. My Visocchi ancestors are from Atina. It will be interesting to know if the Palombos are not from Picinisco.

I wonder if Loreto kept his name when he went to Belgium, or if he changed it. I expect I will never know!


Marisa xx
Marcantonio, Capocci, Palombo, Gizzi, Canini, Cascarini, Campone
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Inscrit le: 08 Juil 2010
Messages: 11

MessagePosté le: Mer Avr 06, 2011 8:53 pm    Sujet du message: Palombo case Répondre en citant

Its ages since I have been in contact. I viewed the records on the Palombo murder case. It was really quite strange touching these actual doscuments. My GGrandfather Carmine Boni changed his name to Fortucci which was his mothers maiden name around about 1901. Do you think it could be due to fear of reprisal for testifying against Loreto Palombo and Marcantonio....... Idea Idea since Palombo was now on the run

Pauline Question
pauline Cormack
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Inscrit le: 31 Déc 2005
Messages: 136
Localisation: Scotland

MessagePosté le: Jeu Avr 07, 2011 10:08 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Lol - there is an interesting thought! I don't think so though. I've done a bit of subsequent research that indicates that Loreto Palombo didn't actually go on the run as I was originally told. He was allowed out on licence on condition that he would leave the country as soon as he was released. He didn't leave immediately as he was ill, and was hauled up before the magistrates again to explain why he was still there. He was supposed to have sailed for Rotterdam. I don't know if he ever did.
Marcantonio, Capocci, Palombo, Gizzi, Canini, Cascarini, Campone
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Inscrit le: 08 Juil 2010
Messages: 11

MessagePosté le: Jeu Avr 07, 2011 10:16 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


I am sure I read on a post that Loreto Palombo had also been involved in an assault in a cafe in Dumbarton!!. Am I going mad or did I read that

pauline Cormack
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Inscrit le: 31 Déc 2005
Messages: 136
Localisation: Scotland

MessagePosté le: Jeu Avr 07, 2011 10:27 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

He was found hiding in a cafe in Dumbarton when he was on the run after the murder. Could that be what it was?
Marcantonio, Capocci, Palombo, Gizzi, Canini, Cascarini, Campone
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Inscrit le: 20 Mar 2024
Messages: 2
Localisation: Banchory, Scotland

MessagePosté le: Mer Sep 18, 2024 2:57 pm    Sujet du message: Re: Palombo case Répondre en citant

paulineC a écrit:
Its ages since I have been in contact. I viewed the records on the Palombo murder case. It was really quite strange touching these actual doscuments. My GGrandfather Carmine Boni changed his name to Fortucci which was his mothers maiden name around about 1901. Do you think it could be due to fear of reprisal for testifying against Loreto Palombo and Marcantonio....... Idea Idea since Palombo was now on the run

Pauline Question

Pauline - Carmine Boni was my G-G-Grandfather. I have seen evidence to suggest that he reverted to Fortucci after realising that Boni may not be his real father! I would love to discuss it with you if you know any more. I'm particularly interested in finding out where he died!
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