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Giovanni Capaldi born 1886

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Inscrit le: 12 Oct 2010
Messages: 3
Localisation: Shropshire England

MessagePosté le: Mar Oct 12, 2010 1:50 am    Sujet du message: Giovanni Capaldi born 1886 Répondre en citant

Hi All,
This is my first time on here so please forgive me if I do anything wrong.
I am researching the Capaldi line for my brother in law Anthony Capaldi who comes from Glasgow.
His grandfather Giovanni Capaldi was born in Picinisco he and his brother Filippo left home and went to California to dig for oil in america where his grandfather lost his leg in an accident and went to uk to seek his fortune...fillipo stayed there and became very successful...chicago i think is where his family are...and I believe there is plenty of them ...they have get togethers every year, so he has been told.
Giovanne's parents were Sabatino Capaldi and Nicolina Faccenda.
I would like to find out their birth dates and when they left Picinisco for USA. I have looked on the Ellis Island site but the ages dont match up. I know Giovanni was 27 in 1913 as he married Agnes Dougan in Scotlaand ( he used the name John after the wedding) They had a confectiony business and a Icecream business in Glasgow, he died some time during WW11 as an internie on the Isle of Man ( I cannot find a date) I know it was before any of Tony's siblings were born in the mid40s.
Can anyone enlighten me on any of the above please
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Michel VACCA

Inscrit le: 08 Sep 2004
Messages: 206
Localisation: Brussels, Belgium/Picinisco, Italy

MessagePosté le: Mar Oct 12, 2010 4:37 pm    Sujet du message: Giovanni CAPALDI Répondre en citant

Here is some information that may be of interest to you

1. SABBATO CAPALDI (n.18/05/1839)
CJ: NICOLINA FACCENDA (n.17/01/1853;m.12/02/1878)

2. DOMENICA CAPALDI (n.12/01/1879)
CJ: DOMENICO CAPALDI (n.18/09/1874;m.10/05/1902)
CJ: GIOVANNI PACITTI (m.15/02/1906)
2. MARIA CAPALDI (n.16/02/1883)
CJ: ANTONIO VALENTE (n.27/03/1874;m.04/06/1903)
2. FILIPPO MARIA CAPALDI (n.23/05/1890;d.07/1964)
CJ: ANGELA MARIA MARINI (m.14/01/1927)
CJ: GIOVANNA NOVELLI (n.1903;m.vers 1927;d.1967)
2. MARIA GIULIANA CAPALDI (n.14/04/1896)
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Inscrit le: 12 Oct 2010
Messages: 3
Localisation: Shropshire England

MessagePosté le: Mar Oct 12, 2010 9:58 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Hi Michel,
Thank you for the information on the capaldi line but it leaves me somwhat condused as i have been given some names for Sabatina and Nicolina's children by another source, which is the right one to follow? can you help on this.
The prior list is as follows:

Parents:Saabatino Capaldi occ Farmer decceased(when did he die)
Nicolina Faccenda
Children: All born Picinisco
Domenico Capaldi born 1874
Maria botn1883
Giovanni Batiste born 1877 (on his marriage sert in 1913he was 27 Agnes was 16)
Antonio 1880
Filippo born 1890
Benedetta born 1875
Giuliana born ??
Maria Fortunata born???
On your list some of the names differ can you please correct what is wrong.
Where did you get your info from out of curiosity as this is a learning curb for me so maybe I can know where to look up information.
Also is there any way of getting a birth cert for Giovanni Batiste Capaldi as he is Tony's Grand father
Thanking you very much for your help
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