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De Felice - Verrecchia - Crolla

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MessagePosté le: Sam Nov 26, 2005 12:18 pm    Sujet du message: De Felice - Verrecchia - Crolla Répondre en citant

As recommended, I am reformulating my question that was lost in the attack to this forum some weeks ago :

My grand-father, Massimino De Felice, was born 17.7.1894 in Hull. His father, Filippo DI FELICE born 02/11/1853 in Picinisco. He went to the UK at an unknown date. Parents of Filippo : Massimino DI FELICE and Chiara CROLLA Parents of Massimino : Serafino DI FELICE and Laureta DI AMBROSIO Parents of Chiara CROLLA : Geremia CROLLA and Rosa CROLLA Filippo married Maria Maddalena VERRECCHIA who was not born in Picinisco. Filippo and Maria Maddalena VERRECCHIA did not marry in Picinisco, probably in the UK. I think that family VERRECCHIA is originating in VALVORI (near CASSINO - +/- 20 km of Picinisco)
Does anyone have more information on Filippo and Maria Maddalena, did he have siblings ?
Thank you for your help
Adia-Pia Kohler-Woog
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Tony Kehoe

Inscrit le: 14 Oct 2004
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Localisation: United Kingdom

MessagePosté le: Sam Nov 26, 2005 6:22 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


As a child I used to holiday in the Isle of Man most years (1950-1960). One of the highlights was to visit Felice's Ice Cream shop in the Strand, Douglas. My great grandfather Biaggio Riozzi knew the owner well as they both came from Picinisco. No doubt the owner would be a relative of yours.

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Inscrit le: 16 Sep 2005
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Localisation: Switzerland

MessagePosté le: Dim Nov 27, 2005 7:25 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Hello Tony,
Yes, I found out that most Italians who went to the UK in those days were either ice-cream makers or itinerant musicians.
I am sure this Felice you mention is a relative of my great-grand-father and this is why I'm looking for any information on his brothers or sisters.
Thanks for your reply
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Anthony De Felice

Inscrit le: 23 Aoû 2009
Messages: 3
Localisation: Ireland

MessagePosté le: Mar Sep 22, 2009 5:27 pm    Sujet du message: Re: De Felice - Verrecchia - Crolla Répondre en citant

Anonymous a écrit:
As recommended, I am reformulating my question that was lost in the attack to this forum some weeks ago :

My grand-father, Massimino De Felice, was born 17.7.1894 in Hull. His father, Filippo DI FELICE born 02/11/1853 in Picinisco. He went to the UK at an unknown date. Parents of Filippo : Massimino DI FELICE and Chiara CROLLA Parents of Massimino : Serafino DI FELICE and Laureta DI AMBROSIO Parents of Chiara CROLLA : Geremia CROLLA and Rosa CROLLA Filippo married Maria Maddalena VERRECCHIA who was not born in Picinisco. Filippo and Maria Maddalena VERRECCHIA did not marry in Picinisco, probably in the UK. I think that family VERRECCHIA is originating in VALVORI (near CASSINO - +/- 20 km of Picinisco)
Does anyone have more information on Filippo and Maria Maddalena, did he have siblings ?
Thank you for your help
Adia-Pia Kohler-Woog

Hi, My grandfather Antonio Di Felice was born in Picinisco date 3rd of October 1884 he left Italy and went to Scotland and married I am his grandson with the same name maybe there is some connection between both our families if any of this is of any use please contact me at adefelic@eircom.net.
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Anthony De Felice

Inscrit le: 23 Aoû 2009
Messages: 3
Localisation: Ireland

MessagePosté le: Dim Sep 25, 2011 6:50 pm    Sujet du message: Re: De Felice - Verrecchia - Crolla Répondre en citant

Anonymous a écrit:
As recommended, I am reformulating my question that was lost in the attack to this forum some weeks ago :

My grand-father, Massimino De Felice, was born 17.7.1894 in Hull. His father, Filippo DI FELICE born 02/11/1853 in Picinisco. He went to the UK at an unknown date. Parents of Filippo : Massimino DI FELICE and Chiara CROLLA Parents of Massimino : Serafino DI FELICE and Laureta DI AMBROSIO Parents of Chiara CROLLA : Geremia CROLLA and Rosa CROLLA Filippo married Maria Maddalena VERRECCHIA who was not born in Picinisco. Filippo and Maria Maddalena VERRECCHIA did not marry in Picinisco, probably in the UK. I think that family VERRECCHIA is originating in VALVORI (near CASSINO - +/- 20 km of Picinisco)
Does anyone have more information on Filippo and Maria Maddalena, did he have siblings ?
Thank you for your help
Adia-Pia Kohler-Woog
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Inscrit le: 10 Déc 2009
Messages: 50
Localisation: Bristol, UK

MessagePosté le: Lun Sep 26, 2011 12:09 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Filippo and Maria were married in Leeds, UK, 1893.
Iknow they had another child, and am guessing it was Ralph (raffaele) in 1912?
Jamie Capaldi
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