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Inscrit le: 11 Mar 2019
Messages: 19
Localisation: Strathaven, Scotland

MessagePosté le: Lun Mai 25, 2020 8:14 pm    Sujet du message: ROSSI Répondre en citant


Does anyone know of the parents of DONATO ROSSI born 28 April 1889 in Picinisco?

Also he was married to Assunta Cuccurullo. Donato moved to America so he have met and married his wife there. Is CUCCURULLO a surname local to Picinisco?

Thanks for any help.

Carla Salveta
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Michel VACCA

Inscrit le: 08 Sep 2004
Messages: 206
Localisation: Brussels, Belgium/Picinisco, Italy

MessagePosté le: Mer Mai 27, 2020 4:39 pm    Sujet du message: Donato ROSSI Répondre en citant

Donato ROSSI born April 28, 1889 in Picinisco (IT) and died June 23, 1978 in Stamford - Fairfield - CT (USA). Son of Loreto Teodoro ROSSI and Carolina PANDOLFI, both born in Picinisco.

He married on 04/11/1921 in Stamford - Fairfield - CT (USA)

Assunta CUCCURULO born about 1902 to ??? and died on January 24, 1940 in New Rochelle - Westchester - NY (USA)

Donato was a tailor.
The name CUCCURULLO originates from the Napoli region. But no further information at present.
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Inscrit le: 11 Mar 2019
Messages: 19
Localisation: Strathaven, Scotland

MessagePosté le: Jeu Mai 28, 2020 12:42 am    Sujet du message: ROSSI Répondre en citant


Thank you very much for the very helpful reply. A descendant of DONATO is a DNA match to myself and so far ROSSI was not a family I had found married into either my Salveta/Altucinni line or my Pelosi line. A Maria Pandolfi however, was my gt gt gt grandmother who married Luigi Pelosi in 1834. I'll now have to look into the relationship between Carolina Pandolfi and my Maria Pandolfi.

Thank you for all the help, Michel.

Carla Salveta
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