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Inscrit le: 11 Mar 2019
Messages: 19
Localisation: Strathaven, Scotland

MessagePosté le: Jeu Oct 10, 2019 11:36 pm    Sujet du message: Pelosi/DeMarco/Perella Répondre en citant

Luigi Martino PELOSI born Oct 1868 married Philomena DEMARCO in Glasgow, Scotland November 1901. Their son Adolfo was born in Picinisco in March 1903. I had assumed the family came back to Britain as Adolfo married Virginia MANCINI in London in 1924 and they came to live in Scotland.

I'm now beginning to think that they may not have come back at all as I can find no death record for Philomena DEMARCO. I know Luigi married again in Picinisco 1942 to Angela Rosa LANNI and had a daughter. He died in Picinisco in October 1946.

Does anyone know the date and place of death for Philomena DEMARCO? Also before being married to Luigi, Philomena was married to a PERELLA and had a son Romeo who was born in Manchester in 1885. Does anyone have a record of her first husband's name and the date and place of their marriage?

Thanks for any help.
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