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cellini and marcantonio neighbours carliol sq

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Inscrit le: 10 Juil 2014
Messages: 10
Localisation: west yorks

MessagePosté le: Mar Juil 14, 2015 2:57 pm    Sujet du message: cellini and marcantonio neighbours carliol sq Répondre en citant

Dear Maria Cellini, this note is really about the Marcantonios. I believe my grandfather Pietro Mancini was the cousin of Antonio Marcantonio; when my Aunt Alexandrina ("Rene") was baptised in South Shields in 1909 her godparents were Antonio and Angela Marcantonio. Catholic godparents in those days were usually family. I have the baptismal certificate (and my aunt used to tell her daughter her godfather was "Mark Toney").

My grandfather's mother in Picinisco was Chiara (or Clara) Marcantonio. I believe she was Giovanni Marcantonio's sister and therefore Antonio's aunt.
I have raised this with Audrey Pyle, mother-in-law of Anthony Marcantonio, but she has not been able to confirm this.

By the way, my grandfather was in the ice cream business in North Shields and then from 1915 in South Shields with his three sons incl. my father. My father finished in the late 1960s.

I'm not sure if you can shed any light on the connection.

Best wishes.

Peter Mancini.
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