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Inscrit le: 10 Juil 2014
Messages: 10
Localisation: west yorks

MessagePosté le: Sam Juil 12, 2014 11:33 am    Sujet du message: AMELIA ("EMILIA") CERVI, EDINBURGH Répondre en citant

In the 1920s my aunt ALEXANDRINA ("RENE") MANCINI in South Shields used to receive letters and visits from Emilia Cervi in Edinburgh; she always signed herself "Your loving cousin". The two girls were in their late teens. I have been unable to find a direct grandparent link, so it must be farther back.
Amelia was (?) born in Manchester 1909: father SABATINO CERVI and ADDOLORATA DE FILIPPIS (m.1907). They moved to Edinburgh about the same time, and he set up the Waverley Biscuit Co, with ANTONIO ZACCARDELLI.
AMELIA married ANTONIO MARANDOLA IN Edinburgh in 1930 (I think he was in the ice cream business). They might have changed their name to MARAN or might have emigrated to the USA; I found a couple with identical names in [Long Island?] a couple of years after the marriage.
As regards the CERVI-MANCINI link, I now suspect that Amelia's Grandmother FILOMENA was a VALVONA (my great grandmother was ALESSANDRA VALVONA). I know Valvona is well-known in Edinburgh and that there is a connesction between musician MIKE MARAN and the firm VALVONA & CROLLA.

Any information would be greatly appreciated, especially from a Cervi or Valvona.


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Inscrit le: 10 Déc 2009
Messages: 50
Localisation: Bristol, UK

MessagePosté le: Sam Oct 31, 2015 8:32 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Hello, Maria Cervi, sister to Amelia. married Giovanni Pacitto in 1932. There was a E. Cervi as a witness living at the same address - 18 Lowerleith Gardens, Edinburgh

Also, my Great Grand Aunt Alessandra Di Placido (nee Capaldi) married a Antonio Valvona in Edinburgh, 1898, but i don't think they had any kids!
Jamie Capaldi
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Stuart Capaldi

Inscrit le: 08 Jan 2006
Messages: 76
Localisation: Edinburgh, Scotland

MessagePosté le: Dim Nov 01, 2015 6:38 pm    Sujet du message: Filomena Valvona Répondre en citant

I have in my tree a Filomena Valvona born 23/Oct/1882 5 William Street Greenock died 1959

Her parents were Fillip Valvona 1855 to 1936 and Giovanna La Marra 1859 to 1897 married 1879 Edinburgh

His second wife was Carolina Tamborini 1877 to 1972

I know of Mike Maran and saw him at the Valvona and Crolla theatre two years ago performing and excellent musical play on the Crollas and the Arandora Star tragedy.
Stuart Capaldi
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