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Graham Corio

Inscrit le: 29 Aoû 2013
Messages: 7
Localisation: Harrow, Midddlesex, UK

MessagePosté le: Dim Sep 15, 2013 11:17 pm    Sujet du message: Corio/Capocci/Vacca/Pollicelli/Razzitti Répondre en citant

I believe my GGF was Modestino CORIO (b.7/7/1843 Picinisco d.1922 Kensington, UK) and his wife was Maria Addolorata CAPOCCI (b.10/10/1862 Picinisco d.10/12/1921 Brentford, UK).

A lot of the following information was given to me by Michel Vacca, for which I thank him.

Addolorata’s parents were Fiore CAPOCCI and Nunziata VACCA.

Modestino Corio had a brother, Raffaelle Domenico (b.16/2/1827 Picinisco d.1888 Fulham, UK).

Modestino and Raffaelle’s parents were Antonio and Maria Rosaria (born Pollicelli) CORIO.

Maria Rosaria’s parents were Luigi and Domenica (born Cocozza) POLLICELLI.

Modestino and Rafaelle’s grandparents were Pietro and Rosa (born Capocci) Corio.

Raffaelle Corio married Laureta RAZZITTI (b.C1828 Italy d.1919 Richmond, UK).

Laureta’s parents were Antonio and Caterina (born Di Aquila) Razzitti.

Modestino and Raffaelle Corio, their wives and at least two of their sons Nicolo (b.23/5/1862 Picinisco) and Antonio (b.8/2/1868 Picinisco) settled in West London (Hammersmith, Fulham, Kensington, Chiswick) and had more children.
Does anyone recognise any family connections with me and have any information they'd like to share?
Graham Corio
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Inscrit le: 09 Juil 2012
Messages: 9
Localisation: Scotland

MessagePosté le: Dim Nov 17, 2013 6:16 pm    Sujet du message: Corios Répondre en citant

Hi Graham

I have an Antonio Corio and Tomasina Capocci in my family tree. They had two daughters of which I am aware, Anna Vincenza born 1848 and Palomina, born, 1852, all in Picinisco. They all came to Scotland. Palomina married my great great grandfather Gerardo Demarco. Possibly related?

On ancestry.co.uk if you are, you can look at my tree if you send me a pm with your email, I can invite you.
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