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Capaldi's of Picinisco? Or surrounding area? Info please!

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Inscrit le: 10 Déc 2009
Messages: 50
Localisation: Bristol, UK

MessagePosté le: Mer Fév 03, 2010 3:40 pm    Sujet du message: Capaldi's of Picinisco? Or surrounding area? Info please! Répondre en citant

During the mid 1880’s, Giuseppe and Giovanni Capaldi were Musicians, 2 brothers travelling to UK with their wifes and some children. They stayed at 9 and 12 Montague Street, st. James, (now known as lower Kingsdown between Broadmead and Stokes Croft) Bristol.
Giovanni and his Family stayed at Montague Street and expanded his Family. Giovanni then went on to become a Fruit Seller and as his sons grew older so did they.
Giuseppe continued as a travelling Musician along with his expanding Family.
During the early 1890’s they returned to Italy, then back to Bristol in the late 1890’s.
Being a travelling Musician they then went on to Edinburgh in the early 1900’s (stayed at 50 Bread Street, sharing with other Italians and scots and had a job in a Resteraunt) and then by 1902 were in Dublin, Ireland.
They then bounced back and forth from Bristol to Dublin for around 20 years, before settling in Bristol.

The names of the Families are below:

FATHER: Giuseppe Capaldi
MOTHER: Marianna Giuseppa Tedesco
SON: Giovanni Capaldi
SON: Giovanni Capaldi
SON: Alessandro Capaldi
SON: Vincenzo Capaldi
SON: Giovanni Carmino Capaldi
SON: Michele Frederick Capaldi
SON: Antonio Capaldi
DAUGHTER: Michelina Capaldi
DAUGHTER: Maria Capaldi

FATHER: Giovanni Capaldi
MOTHER: Pasquarosa Salari
SON: Carlo Capaldi
SON: Antonio Capaldi
SON: Pasquale Capaldi
SON: Francisco Capaldi
DAUGHTER: Maria Anna Capaldi
DAUGHTER: Atonia Capaldi
DAUGHTER: Carmella Capaldi
DAUGHTER: Maria Capaldi
DAUGHTER: Angelina Capaldi
DAUGHTER: Filomena Capaldi

Any information that anybody has, would be very usefull as I am out of options to get any further. Where did they live, Born, Immediate Family names, e.t.c?

I Look forward to any replies!
Jamie Capaldi
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Peter Barnes

Inscrit le: 20 Mai 2009
Messages: 7
Localisation: High Peak, Derbyshire, England

MessagePosté le: Lun Fév 08, 2010 9:43 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Morning Jamie

In my Margiotta tree I have Gaetano Capaldi born c 1888 married to Chiara Valvona around 1908.

They had a daughter Maria Amalia Capaldi born around 1910 Picinisco died 07/07/1986 buried Cemetary S Maria in Picinisco. Maria Amalia married Filippo Margiotta 02/03/1930

I hope this gets your research a bit further


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