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Capaldi and Tedesco Marriage?

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Inscrit le: 10 Déc 2009
Messages: 50
Localisation: Bristol, UK

MessagePosté le: Jeu Déc 10, 2009 10:03 pm    Sujet du message: Capaldi and Tedesco Marriage? Répondre en citant

Hello, I am trying to find out where my GGGrandparents were married in the Frosinone area of Italy.
I have seen a record on my GGrandfathers birth certificate showing they married in Cassino on the 25th January, 1894. I then ordered the LDS microfilm of Matrimoni's in Cassino, Frosinone, Italy between 1870 and 1900, but did not find there records.
My GGrandfather was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, and its possible his parents stated Cassino as there marriage place as it was more understanding, coming from another country. Not only that, i know there eldest son Orazio/Lorenzo was born in 1886, Italy (8 years before there stated marriage?) On the 1911 Ireland census, it also has a record they have been married for 21 years (taking the date to 1890!).
I am aware alot of the Capaldi Family in UK has come from Picinisco and surrounding villages, and would very much appreciate any help on me finding where my Capaldi Family was from?
The names are:
Giuseppe Capaldi married Maria (Anna) Giuseppa Tedesco
(i think anna was part of her middle name?)

Look forward to a reply, Thanks!
Jamie Capaldi
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