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Capaldi from San Giuseppe. Fusco from Vallegrande.

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Auteur Message
Stuart Capaldi

Inscrit le: 08 Jan 2006
Messages: 76
Localisation: Edinburgh, Scotland

MessagePosté le: Mer Mai 07, 2008 4:18 pm    Sujet du message: Capaldi from San Giuseppe. Fusco from Vallegrande. Répondre en citant

I am visiting Italy in June 2008 and I will continue my search for information about my grandfather Achille and his family.

During my last visit in November 2007 my sister and I had the pleasure of visiting the village of San Giuseppe where I believe my grandfather lived and we met many helpful people. On returning back to Edinburgh I received an e-mail and managed to get in touch with the descendants of my grandfather’s cousin.

My great grandmother’s name was Fusco and was from Vallegrande but I have not been able to find exactly where she lived.

I will be in the Val di Comino area from the evening of Wednesday 18 until Saturday 21 June and would be delighted to meet anyone with information on my Italian ancestors.

I have noted all the Italian names in my family tree.

Cervi, Di Marco, Gargaro, Porrelli,
Cocozza, Faccenda, Gizzi, Rossi,
Coia, Ferri, Iaconelli, Santangeli,
Coppola, Franchetti, Minchella, Valente,
Cornacchia, Franchi, Pacitti,
De Felice, Fusco, Pelosi,

Thanks Smile
Stuart Capaldi
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