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Crolla families in Cassino

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Inscrit le: 25 Fév 2008
Messages: 10
Localisation: Manchester

MessagePosté le: Mer Mai 28, 2008 1:01 am    Sujet du message: Crolla families in Cassino Répondre en citant

Hi everyone,

Does anybody know of any Crolla families born or living in Cassino through the 1800's. I'm trying to trace my Crolla family back to before they left Italy. I have most of the information of their lives in UK & USA but have hit a brick wall with Italy.

I'm looking in particular for my gg grandfather Beniamino Crolla born about 1825 to 1830 Italy, his wife was called Juanita (aka Cindis or Lucinda) b-1833 Italy she might have been nee Pia.

They had Sons Michael Angelo Crolla b-abt 1854, Antonio Crolla b-abt 1857, Meyrick Crolla b-abt 1860, Giovanni Crolla b-abt 1862 & daughter Maria(aka Mary) Crolla b-abt 1861. All were born in Italy.

Beniamino Crolla died in Italy & his widowed wife Juanita took her children to Ancoats Manchester England around 1871-76. Michael Angelo & his wife Carolina were listed on the 1881 census at 9 Lees St Ancoats as coming from Rome the rest were listed from Naples. I think this was just standard for the port they sailed from & not necessarilly where they came from. I'm getting no leads so far from Picinisco but hear they may have come from Cassino.

Any information on their Italian origin would be very much appreciated thankyou in advance.

Michael Angelo Crolla married Carolina(aka Cordnia) her b-abt 1859 m-abt 1874 in italy.

Antonio Crolla married Donata Marino her b-abt 1865 m-1881 in London

Maria Crolla married Crescenzo Melarange his b-abt 1857 m-1884 in Manchester

Meyrick Crolla Married Margaret Norton her b-abt 1862 m-1882 in Manchester

Giovanni Crolla married Mary Ann Brown her b-abt 1862 m-1882 in Manchester

kindest regards Santina Crolla. Very Happy
gg-grandparents Beniamino Crolla & Gracinta(aka Cindis) b-1833 Italy
g-grandparents-Antonio Crolla b-1857 Italy & Donata Marino b-1865 Italy.
grandparents-Bernard Crolla b-1886 M/cr UK & Eugenia Panetta(nee Colletta) b-1892 origins in Villa Latina Italy
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