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Looking for Gizzi, Capocci, Crolla from Picinisco/S.Giuseppe

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Inscrit le: 16 Sep 2008
Messages: 2
Localisation: Sussex, England

MessagePosté le: Mar Sep 16, 2008 10:08 am    Sujet du message: Looking for Gizzi, Capocci, Crolla from Picinisco/S.Giuseppe Répondre en citant

I have just started working on my family tree. On my mother's side, I am trying to trace the Gizzi family from S. Giuseppe near Picinisco. My grandmother's grandparents were Agostino Gizzi and Leonarda Capocci, born in 1864 and both buried in S. Martino, Pisa. Their children were Giuseppe (my great grandfather who married Addolorata Crolla), Luigi, Pietro, Giuliano (who all went to Glasgow) and Biagio. A lot of these are buried in S. Martino near Pisa, which is where my mother's side all live.

Also looking for the roots of my great grandmother, Addolarata Crolla. Her siblings were Celeste, Loreto and Domenico. She is also buried in S. Martino.

My grandmother was Antonia Gizzi who married Ortensio Rossetti. Her siblings were Rosina, Leonarda, Carmela and Vittorio.


Paul Forte
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Michel VACCA

Inscrit le: 08 Sep 2004
Messages: 206
Localisation: Brussels, Belgium/Picinisco, Italy

MessagePosté le: Mar Sep 16, 2008 3:38 pm    Sujet du message: Looking for Gizzi, Capocci, Crolla from Picinisco/S.Giuseppe Répondre en citant

Hello Paul ,

A few days, following your e-mail, i write but the e-mail is income. Your e-mail address is still accurate?
A few years, i did research on the family Gizzi. I also had contacts with Lucinda Gizzi who lives in England.
It can perhaps parent with you?
I own genealogy almost complete your family from your great mother kusy who was born in picinisco the 20 / 02 / 1912 until your ancestors in 1747.
I will happily you provide but i shall send to your email address. Can you send me your e-mail address ? : michel@vacca.be

Michel Vacca
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Inscrit le: 16 Sep 2008
Messages: 2
Localisation: Sussex, England

MessagePosté le: Mar Sep 16, 2008 7:50 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Hello Michel,

THank you for your message. My email is paul.forte@btinternet.com


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