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TARTAGLIA, Picinisco

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Ann Fusco

Inscrit le: 03 Aoû 2006
Messages: 1
Localisation: Alberta, Canada

MessagePosté le: Ven Aoû 04, 2006 4:09 pm    Sujet du message: TARTAGLIA, Picinisco Répondre en citant

Looking for Information on Tartaglia, from Picinisco. APprox 1799-1800
Info I have as follows
Teresa Tartaglia Picinisco married Antonio Fusco of Villa Latina - no Date of Birth or Date of Marriage but 3 Children traced in Villa Latina
Pietro Fusco 26 Feb 1824, Gaetana Fusco 27 October 1826 Concetta Fusco 7 August 1829.
Both Antonio Fusco & Teresa Tartaglia are from my Direct Line. I have drawn a Blank with Tartaglia, but know they came from Picinisco.
Ihave been given info on other Tartaglias from Picinisco, but not sure if they were related to Teresa. Other info as follows
Rosella Tartaglia Born Approx 1797 - no parents name Given - Picinisco Married Giambattista D'Annunzio( Frosinone - town given)
Carmella Tartaglia Born Approx 1806 - Picinisco (Parents Benedetto Tartaglia & Anna Santilli) married Antonio Tovalieri of Atina 20 July 1829 - also had 2nd Marriage to Giuseppe rossi - no info on that Marriage
Maria Rosa Tartaglia, ( no town name) - born approx 1801 married Fortunato Coppola - 1st Child Mattia Antonio Coppolla 1823 no actual date - no parents noted.
I have no idea if all these people could be related as the birth Range is from 1897 - 1806 for the Tartaglia women. only 1 showsn PArents.
Can anyone help me with this name Tartaglia from Picinisco?
I have also been given the name Eugenie Tartaglia but so far I have not located any more info on this person, but the date is later and shown in Scotland.
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Inscrit le: 28 Juin 2008
Messages: 2
Localisation: scotland

MessagePosté le: Dim Juin 29, 2008 7:12 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

hello ann i'm not going to be of much help to you but the maria rosa tartaglia who married fortunato coppola are my gr gr gr gr grandparents they had 7 children born in atina the 6th being my gr gr gr grandmother anna coppola maria rosa was in scotland in 1881 census. i have no parent details for her. i also have the others listed on my tree benedetto, carmella.rosella but through another connection haven't been able to establish if they are conected to my maria rosa.

good luck
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