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Cascarini /Fabrizio

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Ron Hassall

Inscrit le: 11 Mar 2007
Messages: 1
Localisation: Western Australia

MessagePosté le: Lun Mar 12, 2007 9:52 am    Sujet du message: Cascarini /Fabrizio Répondre en citant

Greetings All, This is my first posting, so I am still trying to work through the system.

My Great Grandfather was Domenico Antonio CASCARINI, born Picinisco 1 April 1858. Father, Onesto mother Fiorenza POLINI.

Domenico and brother Crescenzio (born 27 October 1855) came to England in the 1880's.

Crezenzio married Sarafina GIZZI (also born Picinisco (7 December 1865) in Cheltenham, where the family settled.

Maria Teresa CASCARINI (the sister of Domenico and Crescenzio, born 16 April 1861) married Francesco FABRIZIO, 3 JUly 1885 in Picinisco.

Francesco was from San Donato.

I would appreciate any contact with the above families.

I have no knowledge of what happened to Maria Teresa and Francesco FABRIZIO. Did they live in Picinisco or in San Donatoafter their marriage?? Did they have any children??

Thanks in anticipation.

Ron Hassall
Port Kennedy, Western Australia
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Michel VACCA

Inscrit le: 08 Sep 2004
Messages: 206
Localisation: Brussels, Belgium/Picinisco, Italy

MessagePosté le: Mar Mar 13, 2007 7:39 pm    Sujet du message: Cascarini /Fabrizio Répondre en citant


I have information which will interest you.

The information are too long to be put on the forum, give me your address e-mail and I will send them to you.

Maria Teresa and Francesco lived in Picinisco. They had 6 children.

Cascarini are originating in the "Immoglie" Borgata of Picinisco. Currently of Cascarini still live there.
There is also of Fabrizio which lives in Picinisco. I will make research to know if it are of family with you.

With soon,

Michel VACCA
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Inscrit le: 31 Déc 2005
Messages: 136
Localisation: Scotland

MessagePosté le: Jeu Mar 22, 2007 7:29 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Hi Ron

I also have Gizzis and Cascarinis in my tree. Unfortunately I don't know enough about that side to link them to yours. My great great great grandmother was called Serafina Carmina GIZZI, born 23 December 1841. Her parents were Loreto GIZZI and Maria Giuseppa CASCARINI. Do you recognise these names? Maybe we are related!!

Marcantonio, Capocci, Palombo, Gizzi, Canini, Cascarini, Campone
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