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Capaldi, Franchetti, Fusco, Gargaro, Minchella, Pacitti, Val

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Auteur Message
Stuart Capaldi

Inscrit le: 08 Jan 2006
Messages: 76
Localisation: Edinburgh, Scotland

MessagePosté le: Lun Nov 13, 2006 3:09 pm    Sujet du message: Capaldi, Franchetti, Fusco, Gargaro, Minchella, Pacitti, Val Répondre en citant

Capaldi, Franchetti, Fusco, Gargaro, Minchella, Pacitti, Valente, Copolla, DiMarco, Gizzi, Gabriele.

I have now commenced another thread, as I continue to search for further details on my ancestors from Picinisco and Vallegrande d'Agnone.

The following relatives are in my family tree

Achille Capaldi born outside Italy 1879 but registered birth in Picinisco

Sante Capaldi b circa 1850 in Picinisco m Angela Maria Fusco b 19/11/1855 Vallegrande d'Agnone.

Sante Capaldi's father was Tomasso his mother Vittoria Capaldi both from Picinisco

Angela Maria Fusco father was Tiberio Evangeliste Fusco b 19/11/1822 her mother was Rosa Valente b 1826 Vallegrande d'Agnone

Tiberio father was Vincenzo Fusco b circa 1795 his mother was Maria Grazia Pacitti b circa 1795 Vallegrande

Angela Maria Fusco had following bothers and sisters

Salvatore b 04/05/1852 d 07/07/1852
Anna b 19/06/1857
Pietro b 19/05/1859
Filomena b 04/06/1861 d 10/07/1861
Filomena b 01/04/1864
Filomena b 10/06/1865
Pietro b 29/01/1868

Tiberio Fusco had the following brothers

1. Francesantonio b 13/01/1820 m Petronella Gargaro b circa 1830 had a son Dominico b 1864 and a daughter Giacinta b 1858

2. Giuseppe b 26/03/1825 m Maria Minchella, they had a son Giuseppe b 1861 and 2 daughters Palma b 1856 and Lucia b 1859

Maria Giovanna Minchella b 1825 her father was Francesco her mother was Palma Franchetti

As can be seen, the majority of information relates to Vallegrande d'Agnone and my Fusco line.

I would ask anyone who may have any further information whatsoever on my Capaldi line especially from Picinisco to send a reply. Question


Stuart Capaldi
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