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La famiglia Persichini

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Tony Tamburro

Inscrit le: 18 Juin 2018
Messages: 2

MessagePosté le: Lun Juin 18, 2018 3:14 pm    Sujet du message: La famiglia Persichini Répondre en citant

Hi everyone
Sorry about my first post being such a long one.........
I have just had a fantastic few days with my brother and sister as we visited our great grandfather's (Donato Tamburro) village of Settefrati, and great grandmother's (Emilia Persichini) village of Picinisco. We found some Persichinis in nearby villages (such as the Persichini Pasticceria in Villa Latina) but would like to find out more about Emilia's family - we didn't have time to go to the Commune or Church records offices.

What we do know is that Emilia was born in Picinisco in 1866 (Parents were Fortunatus born in 1838 and Maria born in 1844). There is no record of a marriage for Emilia but the mystery starts in 1884 when she gave birth to her first child (listed in later UK Census information as Antonio Persichini). I am not sure if she gave birth in Picinisco or had to move away. That same year my great grandfather married Loreta Marrazza in Settefrati but within a short time (I cannot find any information about when or how) Loreta was left at home and both Emilia and Donato ended up in England - firstly in Liverpool and then in London. They had another 13 children (the first also had the Persichini surname but all the rest were Tamburros. Eventually the Census and election rolls show that Emilia also changed her name to Tamburro but there was never a marriage!

We would love to know if there are any records available that can help us to fill in a few more pieces of the jigsaw.
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Michel VACCA

Inscrit le: 08 Sep 2004
Messages: 206
Localisation: Brussels, Belgium/Picinisco, Italy

MessagePosté le: Mar Juin 19, 2018 4:09 pm    Sujet du message: PERSICHINI Répondre en citant


Too bad we did not meet in Picinisco !
Here's the first information I have:
Emilia PERSICHINI born November 17, 1865 in Picinisco - Baptized on the 18th at S. Lorenzo Church.
Daughter of Fortunato PERSICHINI born June 20, 1838 in Picinisco - son of Pasquale Antonio PERSICHINI and Birgitta PAGGITTI
Maria Vittoria FERRI born 18 December 1844 in Picinisco - daughter of Daniele Donato FERRI and Francesca Romana Germana MARCANTONIO. Maria Vittoria died in Picinisco on February 26, 1910.
They were married in Picinisco on September 21, 1861.

Emilia had a "natural" son: Antonio born in Picinisco on August 25, 1884 - Baptized on the 25th at S. Lorenzo Church.

The family PERSICHINI was in Picinisco in the village of Serre.

The Persichini are in Picinisco since +/- 1802. They come from Agnone di Atina (now Villa Latina).

I will continue the search. Do not hesitate to contact me.

Michel VACCA
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Tony Tamburro

Inscrit le: 18 Juin 2018
Messages: 2

MessagePosté le: Mar Juin 19, 2018 5:14 pm    Sujet du message: Persichini Répondre en citant

Michel, thank you so much for your rapid research and the information you have gleaned.

When you refer to the birth and baptism of Antonio I presume that no father is mentioned in the documentation? It is interesting however that IF there was any scandal it did not seem to prevent Emilia from staying at home.

I imagine that very few records were kept about dates or ultimate destinations of those who left Picinisco during that time?

Thank you again. If (as we hope) we return to Picinisco we will make sure that we can meet up.
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Inscrit le: 04 Mar 2008
Messages: 123
Localisation: Italy

MessagePosté le: Jeu Juin 21, 2018 8:12 am    Sujet du message: Picinisco Répondre en citant

Hi Tony,
there are civil records that MAY tell you when and to where the family emigrated.
Ann Tatangelo
Civil and parish research in Lazio Region, tours, citizenship certificates.
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