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marcantonio family

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Inscrit le: 29 Oct 2009
Messages: 1

MessagePosté le: Jeu Oct 29, 2009 5:05 pm    Sujet du message: marcantonio family Répondre en citant

Hi Everyone!

I'm not sure if my previous message was posted. So I'll try again.

I'm looking for information on my grandfather, Francisco Marcantonio, whose family came originally from Picinisco.

He is listed on the 1911 Irish Census as living in Dublin. From his age, it appears he was born in 1883. The problem arises in his declaration that he was born in Belfast City.

I've had a search made by the appropriate office in Northern Ireland. But they tell me there is no record of a Francisco Marcantonio being born in Belfast, in 1883 or in the surrounding years.

If he was not born there, the only alternatives would be that he was born in Picinisco, or perhaps in England and might have been worried about immigration problems in revealing that.

With so many knowledgeable people on this forum, I'm hoping somebody out there might be able to offer some help.

Thanking you in anticipation.

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Michel VACCA

Inscrit le: 08 Sep 2004
Messages: 206
Localisation: Brussels, Belgium/Picinisco, Italy

MessagePosté le: Jeu Oct 29, 2009 7:08 pm    Sujet du message: Marcantonio FAMILY Répondre en citant

Hi, I finished the genealogy of the MARCANTONIO family since a few days. I have unfortunately not found by Francesco born to 1883.

Francesco was not born to Picinisco. I can nevertheless help but needed me additional information.

Perhaps Francesco was his middle name !

Do you know the name of his parents?

If you ask a your grandfather death certificate to the municipality if you know in which city is dead, the date and place of birth should be registered.

In what city do you live?

See you soon,.

Michel VACCA
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Inscrit le: 03 Mar 2011
Messages: 40

MessagePosté le: Jeu Mar 03, 2011 5:59 pm    Sujet du message: Marcantonio Répondre en citant

I'm researching Marcantonio's in Belfast at the minute and I picked up your thread. There is a mariage record for Francis Marcantonio in Co. Antim in 1920. There appears to be a small grouping who were around Belfast in the 1880's and 90's but disappear from Northern Ireland by the 1901 census. In my line Maria Marcantonio was the daughter of Rafaelle Marcantonio. There are birth's registered for children of a Giovanni Marcantonio and Elizabeth Shevlin, Luigi Marcantonio and Rosiana Bassigalopa and Peter Marcantonio and Esther Sykes. All of these lived very close to Maria and all had there children baptised at St MacNissi's church in Larne which makes me think there is a link. Giovanni is also a witness in Maria's marriage certificate. If this helps or there is any information we can swop letme know.
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Inscrit le: 22 Mar 2011
Messages: 2

MessagePosté le: Mar Mar 22, 2011 10:01 pm    Sujet du message: Belfast Marcantonios Répondre en citant

Hello, I came across this website by accident. I live in Belfast and my Grandfather was Peter Marken or Pietro Marcantonio who was born in Picinisco in 1868 and who married Esther Sykes and then my grandmother, Kathryn Bryce. My grandfather still has one child living, my Aunt who will be 93 this year!
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Inscrit le: 03 Mar 2011
Messages: 40

MessagePosté le: Mer Mar 23, 2011 9:57 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Hi Renzo,
Very interesting indeed. I'm also in NI and researching this line as part of a friend's tree (Pietro's sister Maria's line to be precise). If you check out the Marcantonio thread with 7 pages of replies you'll see that you might be able to make 3 people very happy. I'm wondering if you or your aunt can help with any of the following information:
Maria married Giovanni Morelli in Belfast. They had a daughter Angelina who married Paolo Luparia in Belfast (this is the line I'm researching) - any information on the Morelli's or Luparia's?
Do you have any information on your great grandfather Rafaelle's family?
There is a Luigi Marcantonio around this time who we are trying to tie into the tree (or not). Is there a Luigi in your tree (a brother/cousin or uncle of Pietro perhaps?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Inscrit le: 22 Mar 2011
Messages: 2

MessagePosté le: Lun Mar 28, 2011 12:22 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Yes, the Morelli's were my father's cousins and they still live in Belfast. I will ask my aunt at the weekend and see if she can help answer some of your questions. Unfortunately, I don't have any information on my Grandfathers parents except what I've read on this forum!
Talk soon.
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Inscrit le: 03 Mar 2011
Messages: 40

MessagePosté le: Ven Juil 29, 2011 8:28 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Hi Renzo,
Wondering if you ever managed that chat with your aunt?

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Inscrit le: 17 Oct 2011
Messages: 2

MessagePosté le: Mer Oct 19, 2011 5:52 pm    Sujet du message: marken family Répondre en citant

graeme2905 a écrit:
Hi Renzo,
Wondering if you ever managed that chat with your aunt?

have posted info on site james06
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