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Ciarella/Capaldi. Liverpool,England

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Phil Bimpson

Inscrit le: 05 Nov 2010
Messages: 4
Localisation: Liverpool, England

MessagePosté le: Ven Nov 05, 2010 12:36 pm    Sujet du message: Ciarella/Capaldi. Liverpool,England Répondre en citant

Hello Everybody.
What a fantastic site.

I am researching my Great Grand father, "Gaetano Ciarella" He was born in 1879 and came to Liverpool England, about 1912 / 18.
His children where .
Bridget Ciarella.
Ann Elizabeth Ciarella. 28 may 1914.
Louisa Ciarella.
Dominic Ciarella.

Bridget Ciarella married Ernesto Capaldi in 1929, Liverpool.
Ann Ciarella married William McDonald. 1932?, Liverpool.

Gaetano may have had a brother called Domenico.

Any help or information would be appreciated.

Distanti Saluti. Phil Bimpson
Peace and love from Liverpool.
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Inscrit le: 10 Déc 2009
Messages: 50
Localisation: Bristol, UK

MessagePosté le: Dim Nov 07, 2010 4:21 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

My Uncle 2 removed, had a boy called Ernesto Capaldi, Liverpool, but he was born 1929!
Jamie Capaldi
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Phil Bimpson

Inscrit le: 05 Nov 2010
Messages: 4
Localisation: Liverpool, England

MessagePosté le: Dim Nov 07, 2010 6:17 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Hello Jamie.

Good to talk to you and make contact.
Do you know the name of "Ernesto's" Mother?????
Do you know of any brothers or sister's of Ernesto.
Plus my records are showing D.O.B 1931?

all the best , Phil Bimpson
Peace and love from Liverpool.
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Inscrit le: 10 Déc 2009
Messages: 50
Localisation: Bristol, UK

MessagePosté le: Lun Nov 08, 2010 1:29 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

You are right Phill, sorry. Ernesto D Capaldi (mother maiden name was Ciarella) was born 1931 Liverpool.
My Ernesto, was born 1929, Liverpool (mothers maiden name was Colacicco)!
There was also a Ernesto born 1934, Liverpool (mothers maiden name was De Marco).

Do you know the Ancestors of your Ernesto Capaldi, and where they were from??
Jamie Capaldi
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Phil Bimpson

Inscrit le: 05 Nov 2010
Messages: 4
Localisation: Liverpool, England

MessagePosté le: Lun Nov 08, 2010 6:17 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Hi Jamie,

Seems like "Ernesto" is a family name? I'm still researching my Capaldi and as soon as I have more info I will pass it along to you.
It's nice to make contact with you.
I am talking to the Local Merseyside Italian association and checking
everything I can.

Speak to you real soon,
Distanti Saluti. Phil
Peace and love from Liverpool.
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Inscrit le: 10 Déc 2009
Messages: 50
Localisation: Bristol, UK

MessagePosté le: Mar Nov 09, 2010 3:34 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Ok Phill, good luck!
If you wish to give me any names or places, i would be happy to help?

Jamie Capaldi
Jamie Capaldi
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Inscrit le: 30 Jan 2008
Messages: 11
Localisation: east sussex

MessagePosté le: Sam Nov 27, 2010 10:58 pm    Sujet du message: liverpool italians Répondre en citant

Hi Phil
could you let me know the address of the merseyside Italian assoc, I was unaware that there was one.

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Inscrit le: 10 Déc 2009
Messages: 50
Localisation: Bristol, UK

MessagePosté le: Dim Nov 28, 2010 6:02 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Hello Lucente,

Did your family arrive at Liverpool around mid 1880's? Names:
Antonio Angelo, Ernesto, Filippo, etc?
Jamie Capaldi
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Inscrit le: 30 Jan 2008
Messages: 11
Localisation: east sussex

MessagePosté le: Lun Nov 29, 2010 10:05 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Hi Jamie
thank you for your interest, yes that is our Family, we do not have much info
do you have any info regarding them.

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Inscrit le: 10 Déc 2009
Messages: 50
Localisation: Bristol, UK

MessagePosté le: Mar Nov 30, 2010 9:29 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


No, sorry, but i always try to help. I had Capaldi's that i was investigating in Liverpool.

There is a town in Frosinone, Italy called Pastena which has Lucente's!
I would say the nearest town to Pastena which has the name Frangione, is Benevento, Campania, Italy. There are also Lucente's just north of Benevento called San Bartolomeo in Galdo

Frangioni and Lucente names are definately from Genova.

You could try some forum sites in Liverpool like yoliverpool?

Jamie Capaldi
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Inscrit le: 10 Déc 2009
Messages: 50
Localisation: Bristol, UK

MessagePosté le: Lun Jan 10, 2011 9:42 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Hello Phil,
I just seen your post on yoliverpool. I noticed you used to visit the milk bars of Capaldi's, on kensington and Smithdown (tunnel rd). The one on smithdown was ran by my great grand Uncle Alessandro/Alex/Alec. His son took over around the 60's. He was called Joseph/Joe/Giuseppe (Alessandro Giuseppe was his christian name).
does this sound familiar?

Jamie Capaldi
Jamie Capaldi
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