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italian ancestors

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Inscrit le: 19 Juil 2009
Messages: 3
Localisation: yorkshire

MessagePosté le: Dim Juil 19, 2009 10:35 pm    Sujet du message: italian ancestors Répondre en citant

I am looking for help please regarding my Italian ancestors who came to UK
in 1880s my Great uncle Fortunatus Fascione-(fascioni) married Marie Crolla
in Leeds yorkshire in1885 and they moved to Scotland around 1905-9
Also my great aunt Antonia Fascione-(Fashone) married Lorenzo Fuschi Fusco
in Leeds 1888
Also Angelo Fascione
Marie G Fascione
Madestina Fascione
Over the years Fascione name spelt different owing to the fact they could not speek english
pauline batley
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Inscrit le: 14 Jan 2010
Messages: 3
Localisation: Surrey, UK

MessagePosté le: Jeu Jan 14, 2010 3:18 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

In my trawls through the Internet in search of information on my Italian family I have often come across the naem Crolla ... try http://www.crolla.com/ and also http://www.ancoatslittleitaly.com/ ...
Rosemarie Leonard
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Inscrit le: 25 Fév 2008
Messages: 10
Localisation: Manchester

MessagePosté le: Mar Fév 09, 2010 7:55 am    Sujet du message: Re: italian ancestors Répondre en citant

pauline a écrit:
I am looking for help please regarding my Italian ancestors who came to UK
in 1880s my Great uncle Fortunatus Fascione-(fascioni) married Marie Crolla
in Leeds yorkshire in1885 and they moved to Scotland around 1905-9
Also my great aunt Antonia Fascione-(Fashone) married Lorenzo Fuschi Fusco
in Leeds 1888
Also Angelo Fascione
Marie G Fascione
Madestina Fascione
Over the years Fascione name spelt different owing to the fact they could not speek english

I have all the census transcripts for the Fascion/Fusco/Crolla's in Leeds &Yorkshire should cover 1881, 1891 and 1900, also have Crolla's living with lodgers the 2 above families (maybe relatives?) in Ancoats Manchester.If you would like me to send any or all of them inbox me...kindest regards Santina Crolla
gg-grandparents Beniamino Crolla & Gracinta(aka Cindis) b-1833 Italy
g-grandparents-Antonio Crolla b-1857 Italy & Donata Marino b-1865 Italy.
grandparents-Bernard Crolla b-1886 M/cr UK & Eugenia Panetta(nee Colletta) b-1892 origins in Villa Latina Italy
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