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  Sujet: Newbie - Maranctonio and Di Troya/Di Troia Picinisco

Réponses: 22
Vus: 50646

MessageForum: Genealogy / Genealogie / Genealogia   Posté le: Mar Aoû 11, 2009 1:10 pm   Sujet: Re: DI TROIA
Giovanni DI TROIA - 08/02/1853
sp : Luigia Filomena MARCANTONIO - 31/08/1857
Marriage : 27/10/1881

Parents of Giovanni DI TROIA :
Gerardo Antonio DI TROIA - 23/11/1822
sp : Fortunata Michelina ...
  Sujet: Newbie - Maranctonio and Di Troya/Di Troia Picinisco

Réponses: 22
Vus: 50646

MessageForum: Genealogy / Genealogie / Genealogia   Posté le: Mar Juil 07, 2009 3:06 pm   Sujet: Re: DI TROIA
Giovanni DI TROIA - 08/02/1853
sp : Luigia Filomena MARCANTONIO - 31/08/1857
Marriage : 27/10/1881

Parents of Giovanni DI TROIA :
Gerardo Antonio DI TROIA - 23/11/1822
sp : Fortunata Michelina ...
  Sujet: Newbie - Maranctonio and Di Troya/Di Troia Picinisco

Réponses: 22
Vus: 50646

MessageForum: Genealogy / Genealogie / Genealogia   Posté le: Mer Juin 10, 2009 9:02 pm   Sujet: Newbie - Maranctonio and Di Troya/Di Troia Picinisco
Hello Michel

How exciting to learn that the Di Troia family were farmers in Picinisco and that they lived near the Porta Saracena. The fact they were neighbours of your family is amazing.

I a ...
  Sujet: Newbie - Maranctonio and Di Troya/Di Troia Picinisco

Réponses: 22
Vus: 50646

MessageForum: Genealogy / Genealogie / Genealogia   Posté le: Mer Juin 10, 2009 7:17 pm   Sujet: Newbie - Maranctonio and Di Troya/Di Troia Picinisco

I am so delighted with all your wonderful work that you have so kindly done on my behalf. So much new information Very Happy

Could you please confirm that Anonio and Gerado Di Troia were both ...
  Sujet: Newbie - Maranctonio and Di Troya/Di Troia Picinisco

Réponses: 22
Vus: 50646

MessageForum: Genealogy / Genealogie / Genealogia   Posté le: Mar Juin 09, 2009 10:35 pm   Sujet: Newbie - Maranctonio and Di Troya/Di Troia Picinisco
Hi Michel

Thank you for the information.

I am a little confused. Do you mean that Gerado came to Picinisco to marry in 1822 or he was born in 1822? I am sorry to ask again but who was married t ...
  Sujet: Newbie - Maranctonio and Di Troya/Di Troia Picinisco

Réponses: 22
Vus: 50646

MessageForum: Genealogy / Genealogie / Genealogia   Posté le: Lun Juin 08, 2009 10:18 pm   Sujet: Newbie - Maranctonio and Di Troya/Di Troia Picinisco
Hi Michel

Once again I can only thank you so much for your help.

I look forward to getting Gerardo`s ancestors. You have been a great help and I thank you so much for the trouble you are taking ...
  Sujet: Newbie - Maranctonio and Di Troya/Di Troia Picinisco

Réponses: 22
Vus: 50646

MessageForum: Genealogy / Genealogie / Genealogia   Posté le: Dim Juin 07, 2009 10:16 pm   Sujet: Newbie - Maranctonio and Di Troya/Di Troia Picinisco
Hi Michel

Thanks so much for replying.

I am not sure what information you want.

You kindly sent me the information below:-

Here is ...
  Sujet: Newbie - Maranctonio and Di Troya/Di Troia Picinisco

Réponses: 22
Vus: 50646

MessageForum: Genealogy / Genealogie / Genealogia   Posté le: Mar Juin 02, 2009 6:51 pm   Sujet: Francesco Di Troia Picinisco
Hi Michel

You very kindly gave me some information about Francesco some months ago. I am unable to find a birth in Picinisco records.

Did you get the information from the marriage records? I r ...
  Sujet: Newbie - Maranctonio and Di Troya/Di Troia Picinisco

Réponses: 22
Vus: 50646

MessageForum: Genealogy / Genealogie / Genealogia   Posté le: Sam Mai 02, 2009 11:16 am   Sujet: Di Troia and Marcantonio families from Pichinisco
Thanks everybody for your help. I have tried to find Giovanni Di Troia`s birth in 1853 in Picinisco but have been unsuccessful. Maybe he was born elsewhere, but, I have found a birth of a Francesco ...
  Sujet: Newbie - Maranctonio and Di Troya/Di Troia Picinisco

Réponses: 22
Vus: 50646

MessageForum: Genealogy / Genealogie / Genealogia   Posté le: Jeu Avr 23, 2009 4:30 pm   Sujet: Newbie - Maranctonio and Di Troya/Di Troia Picinisco
Hi Marisa

Thank you so much for that additional information about the Marcantonio family.

Out of interest the God Parents for Luigia`s children from about 1890 to 1897 in Holborn London were Tho ...
  Sujet: Newbie - Maranctonio and Di Troya/Di Troia Picinisco

Réponses: 22
Vus: 50646

MessageForum: Genealogy / Genealogie / Genealogia   Posté le: Ven Avr 10, 2009 11:29 pm   Sujet: Newbie - Maranctonio and Di Troya/Di Troia Picinisco
Hi Marisa

Thanks to Michel`s help he has confirmed that Luigia Filomena Marcantonio b 1857 married Giovanni Di Troia on 27 10 81 in Picinisco.
They are my husbands Gt Grandfather and Gt Grandmothe ...
  Sujet: Newbie - Maranctonio and Di Troya/Di Troia Picinisco

Réponses: 22
Vus: 50646

MessageForum: Genealogy / Genealogie / Genealogia   Posté le: Ven Avr 10, 2009 11:28 am   Sujet: Di Troi and Marcantonio Family
Hi Michel

Thank you so much for this information. I have no idea how you managed to find it so quickly.

As a matter of interest any more information about these families, such as siblings etc w ...
  Sujet: Newbie - Maranctonio and Di Troya/Di Troia Picinisco

Réponses: 22
Vus: 50646

MessageForum: Genealogy / Genealogie / Genealogia   Posté le: Mer Avr 08, 2009 8:27 pm   Sujet: Newbie - Maranctonio and Di Troya/Di Troia Picinisco
Hi everyone

I am looking for help please regarding my Italian ancestors who came to live in England circa 1890.

Giovanni Di Troia (poss spelt Di Troya) born Picinisco circa 1853 according to 189 ...
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