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  Sujet: Liverpool's Italian families

Réponses: 1
Vus: 18925

MessageForum: Books / Livres / Libri   Posté le: Ven Déc 19, 2008 9:18 pm   Sujet: Liverpool's Italian families
Hi I am the author of the new book called Liverpool's Italian families
here are a few links that you may find of interest.

http://www.liverpooldailypost.co.uk/liverpool-life-features/liverpool-sp ...
  Sujet: Liverpool's Italian families

Réponses: 1
Vus: 10833

MessageForum: Genealogy / Genealogie / Genealogia   Posté le: Sam Oct 18, 2008 5:23 pm   Sujet: Liverpool's Italian families
Hi my name is Debra D'Annunzio and i have writen a book dedicated to the Italian families of Liverpool which will be available from November. The book was recently presented to the Italian President b ...
  Sujet: introduction

Réponses: 2
Vus: 13717

MessageForum: Genealogy / Genealogie / Genealogia   Posté le: Lun Juin 02, 2008 3:42 pm   Sujet: introduction
hi tina
i am actually working with ron fromby at the scottie press and have seen the posts on the colletta family etc, if anyone still in liverpool have any stories and would like them to be in the b ...
  Sujet: introduction

Réponses: 2
Vus: 13717

MessageForum: Genealogy / Genealogie / Genealogia   Posté le: Dim Juin 01, 2008 4:54 pm   Sujet: introduction
Hi everyone
My name is DEBRA D'ANNUNZIO i live in Liverpool and i am currently writing a book dedicated to the Italian families of Liverpool.
My family came from Atina and travelled to Liverpool dur ...
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