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Picinisco - Forum Index du Forum
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  Sujet: ARCARI

Réponses: 5
Vus: 18794

MessageForum: Genealogy / Genealogie / Genealogia   Posté le: Ven Mai 23, 2014 11:44 am   Sujet: ARCARI
Dear Ann,

many thanks for the information. I will be staying in Picinisco this summer for a few days and I will try and find as much information as I can through the church also.

Many thanks
Tr ...
  Sujet: ARCARI

Réponses: 5
Vus: 18794

MessageForum: Genealogy / Genealogie / Genealogia   Posté le: Mar Mai 20, 2014 9:23 am   Sujet: TRACING FAMILY

My name is Trina and my grandfather came from this village his name was Ernesto Rocco Arcari... I know I have a couple of relatives there somewhere, I plan to come to the village this summer as ...
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