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  Sujet: Marcantonio - Atina

Réponses: 9
Vus: 43765

MessageForum: Genealogy / Genealogie / Genealogia   Posté le: Lun Mar 02, 2015 12:34 pm   Sujet: Marcantonio - Atina
If it's the same Giovanni Marcantonio he came over to England but then left again fro Picinisco in 1904 with his son Antonio to retire. Antonio came back to England with his wife Angela (they lived in ...
  Sujet: Out Of Italy-The story of Italians in North East England

Réponses: 1
Vus: 21874

MessageForum: Books / Livres / Libri   Posté le: Lun Mar 02, 2015 12:24 pm   Sujet: Out Of Italy-The story of Italians in North East England
I bought this book a few moths ago...it's just been recently released. The author Hugh Shankland was Professor of Italian studies at Durham University.
It's based on Italian immigrants in the North E ...
  Sujet: Cellini/Celini/Celino/Pacitto/Pacitti/Valente

Réponses: 0
Vus: 9894

MessageForum: Genealogy / Genealogie / Genealogia   Posté le: Lun Mar 02, 2015 12:14 pm   Sujet: Cellini/Celini/Celino/Pacitto/Pacitti/Valente
I'm currently researching my family tree...my cousin did some in-depth research a little while ago. My GGgrandfather Cesidio Cellini b.1874 came over to the North East via Scotland when he was about 1 ...
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