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  Sujet: De Felice - Verrecchia - Crolla
Anthony De Felice

Réponses: 5
Vus: 19409

MessageForum: Genealogy / Genealogie / Genealogia   Posté le: Dim Sep 25, 2011 6:50 pm   Sujet: Re: De Felice - Verrecchia - Crolla
As recommended, I am reformulating my question that was lost in the attack to this forum some weeks ago :

My grand-father, Massimino De Felice, was born 17.7.1894 in Hull. His father, Filip ...
  Sujet: De Felice - Verrecchia - Crolla
Anthony De Felice

Réponses: 5
Vus: 19409

MessageForum: Genealogy / Genealogie / Genealogia   Posté le: Mar Sep 22, 2009 5:27 pm   Sujet: Re: De Felice - Verrecchia - Crolla
As recommended, I am reformulating my question that was lost in the attack to this forum some weeks ago :

My grand-father, Massimino De Felice, was born 17.7.1894 in Hull. His father, Filip ...
  Sujet: Di Felice and Tartaglia
Anthony De Felice

Réponses: 4
Vus: 12208

MessageForum: Genealogy / Genealogie / Genealogia   Posté le: Jeu Aoû 27, 2009 7:37 pm   Sujet: Picinisco
My grandfather's name was Antonio De Filici swe were brought up as Defelice is it possible that we have still some relations alive and still living in Picionisco and if anyone has any information ...
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